Total War ROME II: Total War 2 Controls

right pad mouse, click for middle mouse (camera), left pad scroll wheel for zoom, press for tactical map. Paddles shift and control (remember that A is on stick for camera, so RG and left is select all) triggers are clicks, buttons misc functions including grouping and time control, see controller map for details.

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Total War ROME II, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details

Total War 2 Controls

Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!



	"version"		"2"
	"title"		"Total War 2 Controls"
	"description"		"right pad mouse, click for middle mouse (camera), left pad scroll wheel for zoom, press for tactical map. Paddles shift and control (remember that A is on stick for camera, so RG and left is select all) triggers are clicks, buttons misc functions including grouping and time control, see controller map for details."
	"creator"		"76561197969190710"
		"id"		"0"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"key_press T, time speed"
			"button_B"		"key_press BACKSPACE, halt"
			"button_X"		"key_press RETURN, end turn"
			"button_Y"		"key_press G, group units"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"button_size"		"17984"
			"button_dist"		"19968"
		"id"		"1"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press 1, Weapon 1"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press 3, Weapon 3"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press 2, Weapon 2"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press 4, Weapon 4"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"deadzone"		"5000"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24996"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"2"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"click"		"mouse_button MIDDLE"
			"sensitivity"		"168"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
			"rotation"		"15"
			"mouse_smoothing"		"19"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"3"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press W, Move Forward"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press S, Move Back"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press D, Move Right"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press A, Move Left"
			"click"		"key_press SPACE, Sprint"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
			"haptic_intensity"		"0"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"4"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"edge"		"mouse_button RIGHT"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
		"id"		"5"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"edge"		"mouse_button LEFT"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
		"id"		"6"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press Z"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press X"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press E"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press Q"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"deadzone"		"6094"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24997"
			"haptic_intensity"		"2"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"7"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"324"
		"id"		"8"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_clockwise"		"mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP"
			"scroll_counterclockwise"		"mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN"
			"click"		"key_press TAB"
			"scroll_angle"		"147"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
		"id"		"9"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24999"
			"sensitivity"		"99"
		"id"		"10"
		"mode"		"joystick_camera"
			"sensitivity"		"99"
		"id"		"11"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"key_press X"
			"button_B"		"key_press E"
			"button_X"		"key_press Q"
			"button_Y"		"key_press Z"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"button_size"		"23733"
			"button_dist"		"23273"
		"id"		"12"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_wheel_list_0"		"key_press 1"
			"scroll_wheel_list_1"		"key_press 2"
			"scroll_wheel_list_2"		"key_press 3"
			"scroll_wheel_list_3"		"key_press 4"
			"scroll_wheel_list_4"		"key_press 5"
			"scroll_wheel_list_5"		"key_press 6"
			"scroll_wheel_list_6"		"key_press 7"
			"scroll_wheel_list_7"		"key_press 8"
			"scroll_angle"		"148"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
		"id"		"13"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_wheel_list_0"		"key_press 1"
			"scroll_wheel_list_1"		"key_press 2"
			"scroll_wheel_list_2"		"key_press 3"
			"scroll_wheel_list_3"		"key_press 4"
			"scroll_wheel_list_4"		"key_press 5"
			"scroll_wheel_list_5"		"key_press 6"
			"scroll_angle"		"88"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
			"scroll_wrap"		"0"
		"id"		"14"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"key_press 4"
			"button_B"		"key_press 3"
			"button_X"		"key_press 1"
			"button_Y"		"key_press 2"
			"button_size"		"17992"
			"button_dist"		"19992"
		"id"		"15"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press 2"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press 4"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press 3"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press 1"
			"overlap"		"0"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24996"
			"haptic_intensity"		"0"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"0"
		"name"		""
			"0"		"button_diamond active"
			"14"		"button_diamond active modeshift"
			"15"		"button_diamond inactive modeshift"
			"1"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"7"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"8"		"left_trackpad active"
			"13"		"left_trackpad inactive modeshift"
			"2"		"right_trackpad active"
			"6"		"right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
			"9"		"right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
			"10"		"right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
			"11"		"right_trackpad active modeshift"
			"3"		"joystick active"
			"12"		"joystick inactive modeshift"
			"4"		"left_trigger active"
			"5"		"right_trigger active"
				"button_back_left"		"key_press LEFT_SHIFT"
				"button_back_right"		"key_press LEFT_CONTROL"
				"button_escape"		"key_press ESCAPE, Menu"
				"right_bumper"		"key_press PERIOD, next unit"
				"left_bumper"		"key_press COMMA, previous unit"
				"button_menu"		"key_press INSERT, camera toggle "
				"left_bumper"		"mode_shift button_diamond 14"
				"button_back_right"		"mode_shift left_trackpad 13"