Tomb Raider (2013): The Binding of TOMB RAIDER

COMFORTABLE CONTROLS / NAMED BUTTON BINDING. Fully tested control scheme that keeps 100% of the 360 layout. BACK GRIPS are used for Dodging & Jumping, & the TRACK PAD has been tweaked for the best & easiest possible experience. Enjoy!

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Tomb Raider (2013), click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details

The Binding of TOMB RAIDER

Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!



	"version"		"2"
	"title"		"The Binding of TOMB RAIDER"
	"description"		"COMFORTABLE CONTROLS / NAMED BUTTON BINDING. Fully tested control scheme that keeps 100% of the 360 layout. BACK GRIPS are used for Dodging & Jumping, & the TRACK PAD has been tweaked for the best & easiest possible experience. Enjoy!"
	"creator"		"76561198040490851"
		"id"		"0"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"xinput_button A, Jump"
			"button_B"		"xinput_button B, Dodge"
			"button_X"		"xinput_button X, Interact"
			"button_Y"		"xinput_button Y, Melee"
			"button_size"		"17992"
			"button_dist"		"19992"
		"id"		"1"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"xinput_button DPAD_UP, Bow"
			"dpad_south"		"xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Pistol"
			"dpad_east"		"xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, Assault Rifle"
			"dpad_west"		"xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, Shotgun"
			"deadzone"		"5000"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"2"
		"mode"		"joystick_camera"
			"click"		"xinput_button X, Interact"
			"output_joystick"		"1"
			"anti_deadzone"		"6836"
			"sensitivity"		"97"
		"id"		"3"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, Shoulder Switch"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
			"sensitivity"		"97"
		"id"		"4"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT, Aim"
			"output_trigger"		"1"
		"id"		"5"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT, Fire"
			"output_trigger"		"2"
		"id"		"6"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT"
			"output_joystick"		"1"
		"id"		"7"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, Shoulder Switch"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
			"sensitivity"		"97"
		"id"		"8"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"9"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"10"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"324"
		"id"		"0"
		"name"		""
			"0"		"button_diamond active"
			"1"		"left_trackpad active"
			"7"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"2"		"right_trackpad active"
			"6"		"right_trackpad inactive"
			"10"		"right_trackpad active modeshift"
			"3"		"joystick active"
			"4"		"left_trigger active"
			"5"		"right_trigger active"
			"8"		"gyro active modeshift"
			"9"		"gyro active"
				"right_bumper"		"xinput_button SHOULDER_RIGHT, Alt Fire"
				"button_back_right"		"xinput_button A, Jump"
				"left_bumper"		"xinput_button SHOULDER_LEFT, Survival Sense"
				"button_menu"		"xinput_button SELECT, Map"
				"button_escape"		"xinput_button START, Options"
				"button_back_left"		"xinput_button B, Dodge"
				"left_trigger"		"mode_shift gyro 8"
				"left_trigger"		"mode_shift right_trackpad 10"