The Ultimate Doom: Brutal Doom configuration

This config was made with brutal doom being used with Gzdoom in mind, I don't know how well it works with other source ports. The in-game sensitivity should be set to 1.5 for this configuration but of course it can be adjusted to your liking. Clicking and holding the left touch pad will make the A button become enter and the B button become escape. Kick, throw grenade and flip off are options you will need to bind near the bottom of the keybindings if they are not already bound. Touching up and down on the left touch pad are the up and down arrow keys. You must have directinput and xinput controllers enabled in the in-game options (and controllers themselves of course) for the joystick to work. EDIT: Left touch pad has been changed to select weapons instead. Up selects fists or chainsaw, right selects assault rifle or dual assault rifles, down selects shotgun or super shotgun and left selects minigun. Clicking and holding the right touch pad changes the left touch pad to the next 5 weapons. Up selects rocket launcher, right selects plasma rifles or dual plasma rifles, down selects BFG 9000, left selects Revenant cannons and clicking selects Mancubus cannon. Another edit: Left bumper is now kick and right bumper is throw grenade. Left paddle is one liner and right paddle is flip off. X button is now enter and Y button is esc.

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in The Ultimate Doom, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details

Brutal Doom configuration

Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!



	"version"		"2"
	"title"		"Brutal Doom configuration"
	"description"		"This config was made with brutal doom being used with Gzdoom in mind, I don't know how well it works with other source ports. The in-game sensitivity should be set to 1.5 for this configuration but of course it can be adjusted to your liking. Clicking and holding the left touch pad will make the A button become enter and the B button become escape. Kick, throw grenade and flip off are options you will need to bind near the bottom of the keybindings if they are not already bound. Touching up and down on the left touch pad are the up and down arrow keys. You must have directinput and xinput controllers enabled in the in-game options (and controllers themselves of course) for the joystick to work. EDIT: Left touch pad has been changed to select weapons instead. Up selects fists or chainsaw, right selects assault rifle or dual assault rifles, down selects shotgun or super shotgun and left selects minigun. Clicking and holding the right touch pad changes the left touch pad to the next 5 weapons. Up selects rocket launcher, right selects plasma rifles or dual plasma rifles, down selects BFG 9000, left selects Revenant cannons and clicking selects Mancubus cannon. Another edit: Left bumper is now kick and right bumper is throw grenade. Left paddle is one liner and right paddle is flip off. X button is now enter and Y button is esc."
	"creator"		"76561198028481018"
		"id"		"0"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_a"		"key_press E, Use (E)"
			"button_b"		"key_press R, Reload (R)"
			"button_x"		"key_press RETURN, Enter (Ent)"
			"button_y"		"key_press ESCAPE, Escape (Esc)"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"button_size"		"17994"
			"button_dist"		"19994"
		"id"		"1"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press 1, Fists/Chainsaw (1)"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press 3, Shotgun (3)"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press 2, Assault Rifle/Dual Assault Rifles (2)"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press 4, Minigun (4)"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"deadzone"		"5000"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"10000"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
		"id"		"2"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"sensitivity"		"216"
			"trackball"		"0"
			"friction"		"3"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"3"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press W, Move Forward"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press S, Move Back"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press D, Move Right"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press A, Move Left"
			"click"		"key_press LEFT_SHIFT, Sprint"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
		"id"		"4"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"edge"		"mouse_button RIGHT, Right mouse"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"haptic_intensity"		"0"
			"adaptive_threshold"		"0"
		"id"		"5"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"edge"		"mouse_button LEFT, Left mouse"
			"hold_repeat_inverval"		"99"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
			"adaptive_threshold"		"0"
		"id"		"6"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_a"		"key_press RETURN, Enter"
			"button_b"		"key_press ESCAPE, Esc"
			"button_x"		"key_press G, Throw grenade (G)"
			"button_y"		"key_press TAB, Map (Tab)"
		"id"		"7"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
		"id"		"8"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"key_press F, Flip off (F)"
		"id"		"9"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press 5, Rocket Launcher (5)"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press 7, BFG 9000 (7)"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press 6, Plasma Rifle/Dual Plasma Rifles"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press 8, Revenant Cannons (8)"
			"click"		"key_press 9, Mancubus Cannon"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"deadzone"		"5276"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"10000"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
		"id"		"10"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"gyro_button"		"0"
		"id"		"0"
		"name"		""
			"0"		"button_diamond active"
			"6"		"button_diamond active modeshift"
			"1"		"left_trackpad active"
			"7"		"left_trackpad inactive modeshift"
			"9"		"left_trackpad active modeshift"
			"2"		"right_trackpad active"
			"3"		"joystick inactive"
			"8"		"joystick active"
			"4"		"left_trigger active"
			"5"		"right_trigger active"
			"10"		"gyro inactive"
				"button_back_left"		"key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Crouch (Ctrl)"
				"left_click"		"mode_shift button_diamond 6"
				"right_click"		"mode_shift left_trackpad 9"
				"left_bumper"		"key_press Q, Kick (Q)"
				"right_bumper"		"key_press G, Throw grenade (G)"
				"button_menu"		"key_press TAB, Map (Tab)"
				"button_escape"		"key_press ESCAPE, Pause/Esc (Esc)"
				"button_back_right"		"key_press SPACE, Jump (Space)"