Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth: Civilized Bindings

Intended for Civilization: Beyond Earth and Civilization 5 -- Right pad is a trackball mouse, left pad is a scroll wheel, pan the map with analog stick and center view on current unit by pressing it, R trigger is LMB, L trigger is RMB, grip cycles through units, bumpers cycle through cities, R select is ENTER (ends turns), L select is ESC, and button pad is bound to 4 common unit commands

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details

Civilized Bindings

Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!



	"version"		"2"
	"title"		"Civilized Bindings"
	"description"		"Intended for Civilization: Beyond Earth and Civilization 5 -- Right pad is a trackball mouse, left pad is a scroll wheel, pan the map with analog stick and center view on current unit by pressing it, R trigger is LMB, L trigger is RMB, grip cycles through units, bumpers cycle through cities, R select is ENTER (ends turns), L select is ESC, and button pad is bound to 4 common unit commands"
	"creator"		"76561197970643359"
		"id"		"0"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"key_press A, Alert"
			"button_B"		"key_press B, Ranged Attack"
			"button_X"		"key_press SPACE, Do Nothing"
			"button_Y"		"key_press H, Fortify Until Healed"
			"button_size"		"17984"
			"button_dist"		"19970"
		"id"		"1"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"xinput_button dpad_up"
			"dpad_south"		"xinput_button dpad_down"
			"dpad_east"		"xinput_button dpad_right"
			"dpad_west"		"xinput_button dpad_left"
			"deadzone"		"5000"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24997"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"2"
		"mode"		"joystick_camera"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT"
			"output_joystick"		"1"
			"sensitivity"		"99"
		"id"		"3"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24999"
			"sensitivity"		"99"
		"id"		"4"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"mouse_button RIGHT"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"9984"
			"adaptive_threshold"		"0"
		"id"		"5"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"mouse_button LEFT"
			"edge"		"mouse_button LEFT"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"9984"
		"id"		"6"
		"mode"		"joystick_move"
			"click"		"xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT"
			"output_joystick"		"1"
		"id"		"7"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"sensitivity"		"174"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"8"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_clockwise"		"mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN"
			"scroll_counterclockwise"		"mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP"
			"scroll_angle"		"88"
		"id"		"9"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press UP_ARROW"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press DOWN_ARROW"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press RIGHT_ARROW"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press LEFT_ARROW"
			"click"		"key_press C"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"overlap"		"0"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24996"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"10"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"322"
		"id"		"11"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_angle"		"88"
		"id"		"12"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_size"		"17996"
			"button_dist"		"19996"
		"id"		"13"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_A"		"key_press I, Intercept"
			"button_B"		"key_press S, Set Up Artillery"
			"button_X"		"key_press Z, Sleep"
			"button_Y"		"key_press F, Fortify"
			"button_size"		"17994"
			"button_dist"		"19994"
		"id"		"0"
		"name"		""
			"0"		"button_diamond active"
			"13"		"button_diamond active modeshift"
			"1"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"8"		"left_trackpad active"
			"10"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"12"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"2"		"right_trackpad inactive"
			"6"		"right_trackpad inactive"
			"7"		"right_trackpad active"
			"11"		"right_trackpad active modeshift"
			"3"		"joystick inactive"
			"9"		"joystick active"
			"4"		"left_trigger active"
			"5"		"right_trigger active"
				"right_bumper"		"key_press RIGHT_BRACKET, Next City"
				"left_bumper"		"key_press LEFT_BRACKET, Prev City"
				"button_back_left"		"key_press COMMA, Prev Unit"
				"button_back_right"		"key_press PERIOD, Next Unit"
				"button_escape"		"key_press RETURN, Next Turn"
				"button_menu"		"key_press ESCAPE, Back/Menu"
				"left_click"		"mode_shift button_diamond 13"