Most buttons/ triggers will work as expected to. Buttons of notice: L and R bumpers: Weapon swap down and up; L Grip: Hold to sprint (on foot); R Grip: Draw/Sheath Weapon; Back: Squad Tactics; D Pad Down: Return to Normandy (in vehicle); Right Pad Click: Use; Reccomend to review control scheme.
Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!
"controller_mappings" { "version" "2" "title" "The Good Doctor's Mass Effect Config" "description" "Most buttons/ triggers will work as expected to. Buttons of notice: L and R bumpers: Weapon swap down and up; L Grip: Hold to sprint (on foot); R Grip: Draw/Sheath Weapon; Back: Squad Tactics; D Pad Down: Return to Normandy (in vehicle); Right Pad Click: Use; Reccomend to review control scheme." "creator" "76561198045470706" "group" { "id" "0" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "key_press R" "button_B" "key_press F" "button_X" "key_press M" "button_Y" "key_press I" } "settings" { "button_size" "17992" "button_dist" "19992" } } "group" { "id" "1" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press 1" "dpad_south" "key_press 4" "dpad_south" "key_press N" "dpad_east" "key_press 3" "dpad_west" "key_press 2" } "settings" { "overlap" "0" "deadzone" "5000" "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "2" "mode" "joystick_camera" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_joystick" "1" "sensitivity" "99" } } "group" { "id" "3" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24999" "sensitivity" "99" } } "group" { "id" "4" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button RIGHT" "edge" "mouse_button RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" } } "group" { "id" "5" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button LEFT" "edge" "mouse_button LEFT" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "6" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_joystick" "1" } } "group" { "id" "7" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press W" "dpad_south" "key_press S" "dpad_east" "key_press D" "dpad_west" "key_press A" "click" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "haptic_intensity" "2" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "8" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "bindings" { "click" "key_press E" } "settings" { "sensitivity" "299" "doubetap_max_duration" "320" } } "group" { "id" "9" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press LEFT_SHIFT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "preset" { "id" "0" "name" "" "group_source_bindings" { "0" "button_diamond active" "1" "left_trackpad active" "2" "right_trackpad inactive" "6" "right_trackpad inactive" "8" "right_trackpad active" "3" "joystick inactive" "7" "joystick active" "9" "joystick inactive modeshift" "4" "left_trigger active" "5" "right_trigger active" } "switch_bindings" { "bindings" { "button_escape" "key_press ESCAPE" "button_menu" "key_press SPACE" "left_bumper" "mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN" "right_bumper" "mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP" "button_back_right" "key_press Q" "button_back_left" "key_press LEFT_SHIFT" } } "settings" { } } "Localization" { "english" { "title" "Gamepad" "description" "This template is for most games that already have built-in gamepad support." } } } "cache_data" { "lastmodified" "Fri, 16 Oct 2015 21:44:29 GMT" }