This essentially rebinds the steam controller to match the xbox controller. Back paddles are rebound to match joystick clicks.
"controller_mappings" { "version" "2" "title" "XBox Bindings" "description" "This essentially rebinds the steam controller to match the xbox controller. Back paddles are rebound to match joystick clicks." "creator" "76561198000700594" "group" { "id" "0" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "xinput_button A, Jump" "button_B" "xinput_button B, Use" "button_X" "xinput_button X, Reload" "button_Y" "xinput_button Y, Flashlight" } "settings" { "hold_repeat_inverval" "99" "button_size" "17992" "button_dist" "19992" } } "group" { "id" "1" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, Weapon 1" "dpad_south" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, Weapon 3" "dpad_east" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Weapon 2" "dpad_west" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, Weapon 4" "click" "xinput_button SELECT" } "settings" { "hold_repeat_inverval" "99" "deadzone" "5000" "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "2" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "bindings" { "click" "key_press E, Use" } "settings" { "sensitivity" "144" "rotation" "15" "doubetap_max_duration" "320" } } "group" { "id" "3" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "key_press W, Move Forward" "dpad_south" "key_press S, Move Back" "dpad_east" "key_press D, Move Right" "dpad_west" "key_press A, Move Left" "click" "key_press LEFT_SHIFT, Sprint" } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "hold_repeat_inverval" "99" "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "4" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT" "edge" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT" } "settings" { "hold_repeat_inverval" "99" } } "group" { "id" "5" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT" "edge" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT" } "settings" { "hold_repeat_inverval" "99" } } "group" { "id" "6" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24996" "output_joystick" "1" "sensitivity" "98" } } "group" { "id" "7" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24999" "sensitivity" "99" } } "group" { "id" "8" "mode" "four_buttons" "settings" { "button_size" "17998" "button_dist" "19998" } } "preset" { "id" "0" "name" "" "group_source_bindings" { "0" "button_diamond active" "1" "left_trackpad active" "8" "left_trackpad inactive" "2" "right_trackpad inactive" "6" "right_trackpad active" "3" "joystick inactive" "7" "joystick active" "4" "left_trigger active" "5" "right_trigger active" } "switch_bindings" { "bindings" { "button_menu" "xinput_button SELECT, Map" "button_back_left" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, Crouch" "left_bumper" "xinput_button SHOULDER_LEFT" "right_bumper" "xinput_button SHOULDER_RIGHT, Next Weapon" "button_back_right" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, Reload" "button_escape" "xinput_button START, Menu" } } "settings" { } } "Localization" { "english" { "title" "Keyboard (WASD) and Mouse" "description" "This template works great for the games on Steam that were designed with a keyboard and mouse in mind, without real gamepad support. The controller will drive the game's keyboard based events with buttons, but will make assumptions about which buttons move you around (WASD for movement, space for jump, etc.). The right pad will emulate the movement of a mouse." } } } "cache_data" { "lastmodified" "Fri, 16 Oct 2015 21:03:41 GMT" }