Important - This is to improve you skills with the track pad! Use Track Pad and its Buttons for \"A\" and \"B\" and Use \"X\" and \"Y\" from the Bottom.
For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Don't Starve, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.
"controller_mappings" { "version" "2" "title" "Tonic's Try out packet" "description" "Important - This is to improve you skills with the track pad! Use Track Pad and its Buttons for \"A\" and \"B\" and Use \"X\" and \"Y\" from the Bottom." "creator" "76561198008143880" "group" { "id" "0" "mode" "four_buttons" "bindings" { "button_A" "xinput_button A" "button_B" "xinput_button B" "button_X" "xinput_button X" "button_Y" "xinput_button Y" } } "group" { "id" "1" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "xinput_button dpad_up" "dpad_south" "xinput_button dpad_down" "dpad_east" "xinput_button dpad_right" "dpad_west" "xinput_button dpad_left" } "settings" { "deadzone" "5000" "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "group" { "id" "2" "mode" "joystick_camera" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button A" } "settings" { "curve_exponent" "2" "haptic_intensity" "2" "output_joystick" "1" "sensitivity" "97" } } "group" { "id" "3" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "sensitivity" "97" } } "group" { "id" "4" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" } } "group" { "id" "5" "mode" "trigger" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "6" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT" } "settings" { "output_joystick" "1" } } "group" { "id" "7" "mode" "joystick_move" "bindings" { "click" "xinput_button B" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "haptic_intensity" "3" "sensitivity" "97" } } "group" { "id" "8" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "settings" { "doubetap_max_duration" "324" } } "group" { "id" "9" "mode" "scrollwheel" "bindings" { "click" "mouse_button RIGHT" } "settings" { "scroll_angle" "88" } } "group" { "id" "10" "mode" "dpad" "bindings" { "dpad_north" "xinput_button DPAD_UP" "dpad_south" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN" "dpad_east" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT" "dpad_west" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT" } "settings" { "edge_binding_radius" "24995" "haptic_intensity" "2" "analog_emulation_period" "29" } } "preset" { "id" "0" "name" "" "group_source_bindings" { "0" "button_diamond active" "1" "left_trackpad inactive" "7" "left_trackpad active" "2" "right_trackpad active" "6" "right_trackpad inactive" "8" "right_trackpad inactive" "9" "right_trackpad inactive" "3" "joystick inactive" "10" "joystick active" "4" "left_trigger active" "5" "right_trigger active" } "switch_bindings" { "bindings" { "button_escape" "xinput_button start" "button_menu" "xinput_button select" "right_bumper" "xinput_button shoulder_right" "left_bumper" "xinput_button shoulder_left" "button_back_right" "xinput_button X" "button_back_left" "xinput_button Y" } } "settings" { } } "localization" { "english" { "title" "Gamepad" "description" "This template is for most games that already have built-in gamepad support." } } }