Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition: Flugs_bindings

Hold left bumper and rotate stick to select weapon. Directional pad is inventory + F3-F5 augs. Hold Left grip and pad becomes F6-F9 augs. Stick click zooms. B crouches, be sure to turn on crouch toggle and turn off always run. Left trigger Use/Interact/Holster. Right trigger fire.

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details


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	"version"		"2"
	"title"		"Flugs_bindings"
	"description"		"Hold left bumper and rotate stick to select weapon. Directional pad is inventory + F3-F5 augs. Hold Left grip and pad becomes F6-F9 augs. Stick click zooms. B crouches, be sure to turn on crouch toggle and turn off always run. Left trigger Use/Interact/Holster. Right trigger fire. "
	"creator"		"76561197967753518"
		"id"		"0"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_a"		"key_press SPACE, Jump"
			"button_b"		"key_press X, Crouch"
			"button_x"		"key_press R, Reload"
			"button_y"		"key_press F, Flashlight"
			"button_size"		"17992"
			"button_dist"		"19992"
		"id"		"1"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press W"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press S"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press D"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press A"
			"edge"		"key_press LEFT_SHIFT"
			"click"		"mouse_button MIDDLE, Scope"
			"requires_click"		"0"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24995"
			"haptic_intensity"		"2"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"2"
		"mode"		"dpad"
			"dpad_north"		"key_press UP_ARROW"
			"dpad_south"		"key_press DOWN_ARROW"
			"dpad_east"		"key_press RIGHT_ARROW"
			"dpad_west"		"key_press LEFT_ARROW"
			"overlap"		"0"
			"edge_binding_radius"		"24999"
			"analog_emulation_period"		"29"
		"id"		"3"
		"mode"		"absolute_mouse"
			"friction"		"1"
			"doubetap_max_duration"		"320"
		"id"		"4"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"mouse_button RIGHT, Interact/Use"
			"edge"		"mouse_button RIGHT"
			"output_trigger"		"1"
		"id"		"5"
		"mode"		"trigger"
			"click"		"mouse_button LEFT, Fire"
			"edge"		"mouse_button LEFT"
			"output_trigger"		"2"
		"id"		"6"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_a"		"key_press F5, AUG"
			"button_b"		"key_press F4, AUG"
			"button_x"		"key_press F3, AUG"
			"button_y"		"key_press F1, Inventory"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
			"button_size"		"17984"
			"button_dist"		"19968"
		"id"		"7"
		"mode"		"four_buttons"
			"button_a"		"key_press F9"
			"button_b"		"key_press F8"
			"button_x"		"key_press F7"
			"button_y"		"key_press F6"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
			"button_size"		"17984"
			"button_dist"		"19968"
		"id"		"8"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"click"		"mouse_button MIDDLE"
			"scroll_wheel_list_0"		"key_press 1"
			"scroll_wheel_list_1"		"key_press 2"
			"scroll_wheel_list_2"		"key_press 3"
			"scroll_wheel_list_3"		"key_press 4"
			"scroll_wheel_list_4"		"key_press 5"
			"scroll_wheel_list_5"		"key_press 6"
			"scroll_wheel_list_6"		"key_press 7"
			"scroll_wheel_list_7"		"key_press 8"
			"scroll_wheel_list_8"		"key_press 9"
			"scroll_wheel_list_9"		"key_press 0"
			"scroll_angle"		"88"
			"haptic_intensity"		"3"
		"id"		"9"
		"mode"		"scrollwheel"
			"scroll_wheel_list_0"		"key_press F3"
			"scroll_wheel_list_1"		"key_press F4"
			"scroll_wheel_list_2"		"key_press F5"
			"scroll_wheel_list_3"		"key_press F6"
			"scroll_wheel_list_4"		"key_press F7"
			"scroll_wheel_list_5"		"key_press F8"
			"scroll_wheel_list_6"		"key_press F9"
			"scroll_wheel_list_7"		"key_press F10"
			"scroll_wheel_list_8"		"key_press F11"
			"scroll_angle"		"88"
		"id"		"0"
		"name"		""
			"0"		"button_diamond active"
			"1"		"joystick active"
			"8"		"joystick active modeshift"
			"2"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"6"		"left_trackpad active"
			"7"		"left_trackpad active modeshift"
			"9"		"left_trackpad inactive"
			"3"		"right_trackpad active"
			"4"		"left_trigger active"
			"5"		"right_trigger active"
				"left_bumper"		"mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN, Mouse Scroll Down"
				"button_escape"		"key_press ESCAPE, Menu"
				"button_back_left"		"mouse_button MIDDLE, Middle Mouse"
				"left_bumper"		"mode_shift joystick 8"
				"button_back_left"		"mode_shift left_trackpad 7"
				"right_bumper"		"key_press RIGHT_BRACKET, Activate Laser"
				"button_back_right"		"key_press SEMICOLON, Change Ammo Type"
				"button_menu"		"key_press TAB, Throw"