Fallout 4: Woodsie fallout 4 config

This is Woodsie's fallout 4 config uploaded on 29-11-2015.

You should follow him on twitter @WoodsieGames, follow him on Twitch to see him do it live: www.twitch.tv/thedarkally, or check out his youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDarkAlly/

For instructions on how to use this mapping with the Steam Controller in Fallout 4, click the Download button or check out the instructions here.

Config Details

Woodsie fallout 4 config

Need help with how to use these configs? Click here!



        "version"               "2"
        "title"         "$$$autosave"
        "description"           "PENDING"
        "creator"               "76561197979098496"
                "id"            "0"
                "mode"          "four_buttons"
                        "button_A"              "key_press RETURN, Enter"
                        "button_B"              "key_press TAB, PIP Boy"
                        "button_X"              "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Crouch"
                        "button_Y"              "key_press X, Autorun"
                        "hold_repeat_inverval"          "99"
                        "button_size"           "17994"
                        "button_dist"           "19994"
                "id"            "1"
                "mode"          "dpad"
                        "dpad_north"            "key_press W, Move Up"
                        "dpad_south"            "key_press S, Move Down"
                        "dpad_east"             "key_press D, Move Right"
                        "dpad_west"             "key_press A, Move Left"
                        "edge"          "key_press C, Walk"
                        "click"         "key_press LEFT_SHIFT, Sprint"
                        "requires_click"                "0"
                        "hold_repeat_inverval"          "99"
                        "deadzone"              "4999"
                        "edge_binding_radius"           "19538"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                "id"            "2"
                "mode"          "absolute_mouse"
                        "click"         "key_press E, Use"
                        "sensitivity"           "117"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                        "rotation"              "14"
                        "friction"              "1"
                        "acceleration"          "2"
                        "doubetap_max_duration"         "320"
                "id"            "3"
                "mode"          "dpad"
                        "dpad_north"            "key_press UP_ARROW"
                        "dpad_south"            "key_press DOWN_ARROW, Move Back"
                        "dpad_east"             "key_press RIGHT_ARROW"
                        "dpad_west"             "key_press LEFT_ARROW"
                        "click"         "key_press V, Toggle View/Build Mode"
                        "requires_click"                "0"
                        "layout"                "0"
                        "hold_repeats"          "1"
                        "hold_repeat_inverval"          "99"
                        "deadzone"              "23106"
                        "edge_binding_radius"           "24995"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "0"
                "id"            "4"
                "mode"          "trigger"
                        "click"         "key_press LEFT_ALT, Bash / Hold Breath"
                        "edge"          "key_press E, E"
                        "hold_repeat_inverval"          "99"
                "id"            "5"
                "mode"          "trigger"
                        "click"         "mouse_button LEFT, Shoot"
                        "edge"          "mouse_button RIGHT, Aim"
                        "hold_repeat_inverval"          "99"
                        "edge_binding_radius"           "10189"
                        "adaptive_threshold"            "4"
                "id"            "6"
                "mode"          "mouse_joystick"
                "id"            "7"
                "mode"          "absolute_mouse"
                        "sensitivity"           "85"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                        "mouse_smoothing"               "27"
                "id"            "8"
                "mode"          "scrollwheel"
                        "scroll_clockwise"              "mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN, Zoom Out"
                        "scroll_counterclockwise"               "mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP, Zoom In"
                        "click"         "key_press RETURN, Enter"
                        "scroll_angle"          "148"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "1"
                "id"            "9"
                "mode"          "trigger"
                "id"            "10"
                "mode"          "four_buttons"
                        "button_A"              "key_press EQUALS"
                        "button_B"              "key_press 6"
                        "button_X"              "key_press 1"
                        "button_Y"              "key_press 7"
                        "requires_click"                "0"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                "id"            "11"
                "mode"          "four_buttons"
                        "button_A"              "key_press DASH"
                        "button_B"              "key_press 5"
                        "button_X"              "key_press 2"
                        "button_Y"              "key_press 8"
                        "requires_click"                "0"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                "id"            "12"
                "mode"          "four_buttons"
                        "button_A"              "key_press F5, Quick Save"
                        "button_B"              "key_press Z, Sort"
                        "button_X"              "key_press F9, Quick Load"
                        "button_Y"              "key_press T, Transfer"
                "id"            "13"
                "mode"          "dpad"
                        "dpad_north"            "key_press M, Map"
                        "dpad_south"            "key_press I, Inventory"
                        "dpad_east"             "key_press J, Data"
                        "dpad_west"             "key_press K, Stats"
                        "layout"                "0"
                "id"            "14"
                "mode"          "scrollwheel"
                        "scroll_clockwise"              "mouse_wheel SCROLL_DOWN"
                        "scroll_counterclockwise"               "mouse_wheel SCROLL_UP"
                "id"            "15"
                "mode"          "dpad"
                        "dpad_north"            "key_press LEFT_SHIFT"
                        "dpad_south"            "key_press LEFT_CONTROL"
                        "layout"                "3"
                "id"            "16"
                "mode"          "scrollwheel"
                        "scroll_clockwise"              "mouse_button LEFT"
                        "scroll_counterclockwise"               "mouse_button RIGHT"
                        "click"         "key_press V"
                        "scroll_angle"          "120"
                        "haptic_intensity"              "3"
                "id"            "17"
                "mode"          "mouse_joystick"
                "id"            "18"
                "mode"          "touch_menu"
                        "touch_menu_button_0"           "key_press 1"
                        "touch_menu_button_1"           "key_press 2, , ghost_010_wpn_0080.png #232323 #6800ad"
                        "touch_menu_button_2"           "key_press 3, Shotgun, ghost_010_wpn_0090.png #232323 #E4E4E4"
                        "touch_menu_button_3"           "key_press 4, , ghost_010_wpn_0100.png #232323 #E4E4E4"
                        "touch_menu_button_4"           "key_press 5, Sniper, ghost_010_wpn_0130.png #232323 #E4E4E4"
                        "touch_menu_button_5"           "key_press 6, Semi Rifle, ghost_010_wpn_0130.png #232323 #00adad"
                        "touch_menu_button_6"           "key_press 7"
                        "touch_menu_button_7"           "key_press 8"
                        "touch_menu_button_8"           "key_press 9, , ghost_030_inv_0140.png #232323 #ad5d00"
                        "touch_menu_button_9"           "key_press 0, , ghost_030_inv_0130.png #232323 #00ad3d"
                        "touch_menu_button_10"          "key_press DASH"
                        "touch_menu_button_11"          "key_press EQUALS"
                        "touch_menu_button_count"               "12"
                        "touch_menu_scale"              "137"
                "id"            "0"
                "name"          ""
                        "0"             "button_diamond active"
                        "12"            "button_diamond active modeshift"
                        "1"             "left_trackpad active"
                        "6"             "left_trackpad inactive"
                        "8"             "left_trackpad inactive modeshift"
                        "15"            "left_trackpad inactive modeshift"
                        "18"            "left_trackpad active modeshift"
                        "2"             "right_trackpad active"
                        "14"            "right_trackpad active modeshift"
                        "3"             "joystick active"
                        "10"            "joystick inactive"
                        "11"            "joystick inactive modeshift"
                        "13"            "joystick active modeshift"
                        "16"            "joystick inactive"
                        "17"            "joystick inactive"
                        "4"             "left_trigger active"
                        "9"             "left_trigger active modeshift"
                        "5"             "right_trigger active"
                        "7"             "gyro active"
                                "button_menu"           "key_press TAB, PIP Boy"
                                "left_bumper"           "key_press Q, V.A.T.S"
                                "button_escape"         "key_press ESCAPE, Menu"
                                "button_back_right"             "mode_shift right_trackpad 14"
                                "button_back_right"             "mode_shift button_diamond 12"
                                "button_back_right"             "mode_shift joystick 13"
                                "button_back_left"              "key_press SPACE, Jump"
                                "right_bumper"          "key_press R, Reload"
                                "button_back_right"             "mode_shift left_trackpad 18"